Kaling is mom to son Spencer and daughters Katherine "Kit," 6, and Anne, whom she quietly welcomed earlier this year. This past June, the actress revealed on Instagram that she welco...
"In late February I gave birth to my daughter, Anne. She’s the best birthday present I could’ve ever imagined," Kaling captioned the post. "When things are hard, whenever I veer towards cy...
In the sunlit windows, signs that read "We ❤️ Mommy" hung loosely and were propped near a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a box of Dunkin' Donuts munchkins. “Oh my gosh, I love these! Look at these b...
"Yeah," one of them responds off camera. As she showed more of the set-up, one of her kids could be heard asking for Kaling to open her other gifts. “Mommy, now can we open it? I want to see,&...