” International premieres include Roshan Sethi’s “A Nice Indian Boy” with Karan Soni and Jonathan Groff, Sadie Frost’s documentary “Twiggy,” Kimberly ReedR...
” The festival’s First Feature Competition showcases debut directors with films including Tumpal Tampubolon’s “Crocodile Tears,” Denise Fernandes’ “Hanami,...
The festival’s feature film program is organized into thematic strands to encourage discovery and open up the festival to new audiences. These strands include Love, Debate, Laugh, Dare, Thrill, ...
9-20, will screen works from 79 countries in 63 languages, with 44% of the program made by female and non-binary filmmakers. Kristy Matheson, BFI London Film Festival director, said: “Cinematic ...