But two other titles with claims to being among the most appealing Korean films of the year will not compete for Chuseok audiences. Star-laden thriller “Harbin,” which premieres in Toronto...
However, in terms of revenues, it was the second-highest grossing film of the latest weekend. Due to its premium pricing, it earned $662,000 from 30,200 spectators and has a $5.05 million cumulative s...
“Pilot,” a Korean comedy-drama has turned into a long-haul flyer. It earned $437,000 over the weekend for fourth place, lifting its aggregate to a high-altitude $31.7 million. “Beetl...
That lifted its cumulative to $6.39 million. “Twisters” continues to blow. It earned $255,000 in its fourth weekend in Korea, for a cumulative of $4.72 million. The rereleased Chinese film...