Celebrating Hunyadi’s victory, Pope Callixtus III ordered churches all over the world to ring their bells each day at noon. They still do so, down to this day. The 10-hour series is set t...
“Rise of the Raven” is produced by Robert Lantos. Executive producers are Tibor Krsko, Cecilia Hazai, Kinga Hazai, Oliver Auspitz and Andreas Kamm of MR Film, as well as Koby Gal-Raday, wi...
The event series “traces a hero’s journey from village boy to fearless warrior, to the saviour of Europe, for whom the Noon Bell tolls. Since childhood I have been intrigued by the Noon Be...
” “‘Rise of the Raven’ is epic in its story and on screen,” said Lucy Smith, director of Mipcom Cannes and Mip London. “With ambitious storytelling and high product...