As Rayanne performed on Liberty High School’s stage, her lines in the scene — “Take me back,” she implored — stirred up emotions in her and in Angela, who understood their friendship was now broken by...
” Danes is also particularly fond of episode 15, entitled “So-Called Angels,” centered around Rickie (Wilson Cruz) experiencing homelessness around the the holidays. “I have such deep fondness for Wil...
It's a lot of vulnerability.” Danes, who won a Golden Globe in 1995 for her role, says she hears from moms her age who watch the show with their teenage daughters, and says many gay men also share...
’ I think My So-Called Life was a first, and I think that’s why it had such a limited lifespan. It was so new I think people didn’t immediately know how to register it.” “[The characters] were all rea...