Strange! Robot Atlas' skills! This is how he showed off his skills

The skills of Atlas, the bipedal humanoid robot developed by the US robotics company Boston Dynamics, on the construction scaffold attracted attention.

The video, in which the robot, which took the tool bag standing on the side, went to the pier, delivered the bag to the worker and flipped like a tumbler pigeon, showed great interest.

The video of the moments where Atlas, the bipedal "humanoid robot" developed by the US-based robotics company Boston Dynamics, exhibited its abilities has been published. It was seen that the robot made its way with a piece of wood in order to climb up to a construction scaffold established for testing purposes.


Then the robot took the tool bag standing on the side and went to the pier and delivered the bag to the worker above. It was also noteworthy that the robot pushed the box on the other side of the pier and made a step in order to go down again.

Atlas, who can do somersaults, was found to be unstable and effectively using his skills, including the ability to jump and turn while carrying weights.